Financial Life Stage
Your goals evolve as you move through the different stages of your life. It’s therefore important that you have a flexible financial plan that reflects where you are now and where you want to be in the future.
You may not necessarily go through all of these stages as everybody’s circumstances are different Most people pass through the following financial stages:
Young adulthood (First Job/ Entering the Workforce / Start Earning)
- Buying a house/ Buying Vehicle
- Having children
- Pre-retirement (Children Education and Marriage)
- Retirement( Financial Freedom)
Some other typical events are:
- Paying off study loans
- Getting married
- Saving to buy property
- Travelling
Every stage of life has its own financial considerations. It is important to review your financial plan as you go through the different stages. Knowing what financial milestones to hit when will help you to create and protect your wealth now and in the future.